Take a look at what I've been working on!
![screenshot pic of antelope canyon project.](images/antelopecanyon.png)
Antelope Canyon Project
Designed and constructed a landing page using Visual Studio Code, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (ES6). Utilized programming tools such as Developer tools, CodeSandBox, and collaborated with other students and instructors on Slack. Implemented design tools from Font Awesome, Google and Adobe fonts, Unsplash, and browser extensions for frontend UI design. Link to landing page project.
![screenshot pic of weather app project.](images/WeatherApp.png)
Weather Web Application
Successfully deployed and hosted a weather web application by applying a DevOps workflow. Integrated AJAX and a REST API that returns the current weather data of the city entered by a user. Built using the following programming languages/tools: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6), InVision, Bootstrap, Adobe XD, Git, GitHub, and chrome developer tools. Link to my weather app project.
![screenshot pic of weather app project.](images/ResponsiveProj.png)
Responsive Project
Applied search engine optimization (SEO) and improved accessibility to all portfolio pages. Expanded my programming knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap CSS classes, media queries, multi-page hosting, Flexbox, and JavaScript (ES6) to achieve website applications that are responsive on all devices. Link to responsive demo project.